
Haircut $40

Fade, taper, buzz, crew.
Clippers combined with scissors for your best look. 45 minutes.

Shave $20

Bring out that fresh face.
A close fresh new look using the model Braun 3 ring shaver. 25 minutes.

Beard Trim $20

Shape and style your mane.
A touch up a shaping of the beard using razor and clippers for best look. 30 minutes.

Beard Maintenance $25

Next-Level Styling.
Offers finished styles using all tools necessary for your own customized look
. Up to 35 minutes.

Kutz for Kidz $30

Keep the little ones in shape.
All popular styles for your child under 12 using both scissors and clippers. 45 minutes.

No shampoos. Elegance brand hair gel used for hold and shine.